Implementation of an Efficient Phase Locked Loop System for 4G Systems


  • Vishakha Vishakha BNMIT, Bangalore, India
  • Veena S Murthy BNMIT, Bangalore, India


PLL, NCO, Loop filter, Demodulation


With the recent advancements going in the field of engineering, several new models for mobile phones are introduced in the market very often. One of the main judging parameters of these phones is their battery consumption. Thus, a need to develop high speed, low power consuming modules arises. The important module of any communication system is the demodulator circuit. One of the main factors that has to be taken care while demodulating a signal is to detect and correct phase errors, without which meaningless messages can be received. Thus the objective of this project would be to develop a phase locked loop system for error free demodulation.


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How to Cite

V. Vishakha and V. S. Murthy, “Implementation of an Efficient Phase Locked Loop System for 4G Systems”, pices, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 50-52, Jul. 2018.