Optimal Collection of Dry Wastage Using IoT


  • H S Vedha EPCET, Bangalore, India
  • G K Yashaswini EPCET, Bangalore, India
  • R Suma EPCET, Bangalore, India
  • B M Varshitha EPCET, Bangalore, India
  • N Anitha EPCET, Bangalore, India


Wastage, IoT, Waste Accumulation


IOT advances are moderately changing the organization of urban communities. Ideal from activity organization, criminal following, E-Service conveyance; IOT is having huge effect in the method for organization and offering expanded accommodation and quality administrations at a diminished cost. Squander administration is one region the IOT will have huge effect as more squanders are created in urban communities. In this paper, we propose a waste administration in urban communities with IOT innovation, so waste can have gathered on time with lower cost on waste accumulation.


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How to Cite

H. S. Vedha, G. K. Yashaswini, R. Suma, B. M. Varshitha, and N. Anitha, “Optimal Collection of Dry Wastage Using IoT”, pices, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 101-105, Sep. 2018.