Artificial Intelligence based Algorithms used for Solving Personalized Medicine Problems in Personalized Medicine Application
Artificial Intelligence, Brain organization, Naïve Bayes, Personalized Medicine issues, Support Vector MachineAbstract
Artificial Intelligence consciousness has altogether acquired grounds in our everyday vocation in this time of data and innovation. Similarly as with any field of study, advancement happens as far as forward leap or formative exploration prompting headway and well-disposed ease of use of that particular innovation. Issues from various regions have been effectively tackled utilizing Artificial Intelligence algorithms. To involve AI algorithms in taking care of Personalized Medicine issues, for example, illness recognition or forecast, precise infection finding, and treatment improvement, the decision of the algorithm impacted by its capacity and pertinence matters. This paper surveys the application and capacity of counterfeit brain organization (ANN), support vector machines (SVM), Naïve Bayes, and fluffy rationale in taking care of customized medication issues and shows that the acquired outcomes live up to assumptions. Additionally, the accomplishment from the past investigations urges designers and analysts to involve these algorithms in tackling Medical and Personalized Medicine issues.
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