Techniques for Pixel Based Image Fusion of Real Image


  • R Anand New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
  • J U Rahul New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
  • V S Jagadish New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
  • M Bharath New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore, India


Image, Fusion, Pixel, DWT, NSCT


An Image fusion is the process of combining relevant information from two or more image of common characteristic to form a single image which acquires all the essential features of original image. Our project based on successful pixel level image fusion algorithms such as DWT and NSCT. The main aim of this is to reduce uncertainty, decrease redundancy in the output, and maximize relevant information pertaining to an function or a task using DWT and NSCT technique. Finally comparison of these two techniques is performed on the basis of some evaluation criteria and the decision has drawn that which technique is better. 


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How to Cite

R. Anand, J. U. Rahul, V. S. Jagadish, and M. Bharath, “Techniques for Pixel Based Image Fusion of Real Image”, pices, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 63-68, Jul. 2018.