A Smart Menu Using Video Processing for Restaurants
Touchscreen, Cost-effective, Video ProcessingAbstract
Restaurants worldwide are trying different techniques to gain customers. It could be with creative advertising or by providing high-tech interactions with the customers. Several restaurants have adopted table that include touchscreen (table - sized) with which one can place order and use the same as table. By keeping this in mind a tabletop based eco- friendly touch sensing system is proposed in this project. This screen is simply a paper placed on the glass table. The touch sensing based advanced menu ordering is the method by which anyone will select any items by their choice which are in menu. Here video processing is performed using MATLAB and Simulink to get the finger blob, help of camera placed under the table. The list of selected items and total amount is spoken to the user for their confirmation, after confirmation the same order will be sent to chef. With the proposed technique, we propose an e - wasteless, cost - effective eco - friendly touch sensing system.
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