An Analysis on Smart Dustbin using Solar Energy with IoT
IoT, Threshold, Raspberry Pi, Solar cell, Smart bin, SensorsAbstract
Urbanization and industrial enterprise have resulted in a rise within the generation of waste, which is a major downside for the government. The populace analysis, style of living, and economic conditions greatly influences the composition of waste. Hence collection of waste is necessary to save the environment. Hence, we need a system to store garbage before it is disposed i.e., the smart bin. The following system that we are proposing using IoT detects a person carrying garbage and opens the lid automatically using sensors. This allows the person not to come in contact with the surface of the system. The system also monitors the amount of waste in the dustbin and notifies the garbage collector after the waste reaches the threshold level in the dustbin. The system makes use of solar cell making it cost-effective.
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