Gas Spilling Recognition and Prevention Using IoT with Alert System to Improve the Quality Service
MQ-6 Gas sensor, Internet of Things, Arduino UNO with ARDUINO, LCD, Wi-Fi module, USPAbstract
Safety is most important for anything which we have in our daily life, especially in the residences to prevent the explosion or blast of gases. As Liquefied Petroleum gas(LPG) is used for vivid needs at residences and in commercial sites, like cooking, heating, lighting, cooling, etc, safety is very important. Among the most common varieties of energy source used in domestic is propane in which liquefied gas contains. Now-a-days the blast or explosion of domestic LPG is increasing, which cause damage to human lives and property. This paper presents an Arduino UNO system, which detects a gas spilling and naturally turns off the gas regulator to stop gas leakage. Also alerts the user by sending messages or e-mails and alerts the close by region by making beep sound when it detects leakage. It provides more security by shutting down the main power supply, makes exhaust fan to pull out all leaked gases.
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E. Jebamalar Leavline, D. Asir Antony Gnana Singh, B. Abinaya, H. Deepika4, LPG Gas Leakage Detection and Alert System, International Journal of Electronics Engineering Research, Volume 9, Number 7 (2017) pp. 1095-1097
Halavva Patil,Shreedhar Niradi, Jyoti D.T, Seema J.S, Shweta D.G,Smart Gas Booking and LPG Leakage Detection System, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727,PP 09-13
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