A Blockchain-Based Secure and Sustainable Electronic Healthcare Record System
Blockchain, Metamask, Electronic Medical Records(EMR), FHIR, Smart-Contract, Solidity, EthereumAbstract
In today’s world, Data is the new gold. Data holds an exorbitant value in a plethora of areas. The increase in demand for data is directly proportional to Data Privacy. Blockchain is one of those technologies which helps in data privacy and facilitates data integrity and confidentiality. The healthcare sector is in constant need of data security, privacy, confidentiality and decentralization in electronic medical records. The objective of this paper is primarily to implement blockchain technology for electronic medical records and secondarily to provide secure storage of these records and define access rules for the users of the proposed system.
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[online] Available: https://truffleframework.com.
[online] Available: https://metamask.io/
[online] Available: http://remix.ethereum.org/
[online] Available: https://www.trufflesuite.com/ganache
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