Blind Friendly ATM Software System


  • Sharma S P G DBIT, Bangalore, India
  • Pruthvi S Nayak DBIT, Bangalore, India
  • Siddarth V DBIT, Bangalore, India
  • Santhosh K DBIT, Bangalore, India
  • Shilpa S G DBIT, Bangalore, India


ATM Machines Software, Sign Language Recognition, Blind, Image Processing


Blind people face many problems in their lives. One of them would be being dependent on someone else for financial transactions. In the existing ATMs, special type of inscription is installed called Braille on the keypad to facilitate blind, which might not be known to all. So, the paper proposes to design and develop a safer and secure ATM accessing system for the blind to secure their pin codes.


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How to Cite

S. S. P G, P. S. Nayak, S. V, S. K, and S. S. G, “Blind Friendly ATM Software System”, pices, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 36-38, Aug. 2017.