Simulation of Hybrid Boost Fly Back Converter: A Virtual Hardware-in-The-Loop Simulation Approach
Hybrid boost fly back converter, Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation (HIL), MATLAB/SIMULINK, HIL SCADA, Virtual environmentAbstract
Hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HIL) is an efficient way to design and test the power electronic controllers in real-time. Boost converters are incorporated in photovoltaic system applications where the output is dependent on the ambient temperature and irradiation. The hybrid boost fly back converter is used to set-up the low voltage obtained from the photovoltaic system in standalone systems and the voltage from the battery required for EV system architectures. The main objective of this paper is to simulate a hybrid boost fly back converter using a virtual Typhoon Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) simulator and compare the results obtained with the simulation carried out using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The steps of the simulation using Typhoon HIL are discussed in brief.
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URL:, visited on 23rd May 2020. Referenced diagram of Hardware-In-Loop Simulation.
URL:, visited on 15th May 2020. Referenced Simulation of power converters.
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