Automatic Number Plate Recognition System for the Detection of Unauthorized Vehicles During Government Imposed Lockdowns
Canny Edge Detector, Bounding Box, Optical character recognition, PandemicAbstract
Automatic Number Plate Recognition is a precise, error-free technology-integrated system used for the detection and recognition of number plates without human intervention of any sort. Considering the government-imposed lockdown in most of the countries of the world due to the rampant spread of the novel COVID-19 virus, we have attempted to present a fail proof method for the identification of unauthorized vehicles violating the government mandated norms in India without the intervention of police personnel. Furthermore, after the removal of the lockdown this system can be easily extended to detect transgression of traffic laws, automated commercial parking systems etc. The proposed morphological algorithm uses the application of Canny Edge Detector and Connected Component Analysis for the extraction of the plate followed by the usage of Bounding Box morphological technique for the segmentation of the individual characters within the plate. Recognition of the characters is done by Template Matching and Optical Character Recognition System.
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