Exudate Extraction: A Review


  • Madhukar M Jyothy institute of technology, Bangalore, India
  • D Manjula Jyothy institute of technology, Bangalore, India
  • Ujwal Y Jyothy institute of technology, Bangalore, India
  • Deepthi J Jyothy institute of technology, Bangalore, India
  • Seshacharan S Jyothy institute of technology, Bangalore, India


Exudates, Diabetes, Texture, Edge Detection


Exudates are commonly found in the retinal areas of patients suffering from high diabetes. Improper diagnosis of exudates leads to blurriness in vision, and eventually to blindness. Many machine learning algorithms have been developed to extract exudates and at the same time estimate the area of spread. This paper deals with various algorithms proposed for exudate extraction.


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How to Cite

M. M, D. Manjula, U. Y, D. J, and S. S, “Exudate Extraction: A Review”, pices, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 8-9, Jun. 2017.