Malware Detection on Server using Distributed Machine Learning


  • Usman N Aijaz Brindavan College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
  • Anisha Patra Brindavan College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
  • Ayesha S Siddiq Brindavan College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
  • Bichitra Chatterjee Brindavan College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
  • Mehfooz Ghiyas Khan Brindavan College of Engineering, Bangalore, India


Malware detection, Server computing, Machine learning, SVM


Malware has continued to develop at a disturbing rate despite on-going reduction efforts. This has been considerably more pervasive on web servers, where server computing is an increasingly popular platform for both industry and buyers. As of late, another age of malware families has developed with advanced evasion abilities which make them substantially difficult to identify utilizing ordinary techniques. On one hand, the popularity of worldwide use of Internet absorbs attention of most engineers for delivering their applications. The expanded number of applications, on the other hand, prepares an appropriate prone for a few users to create various types of malware and include them in the market or in outsider markets as sheltered applications. This paper proposes and explores a machine learning based characterization approach for identification of malware and utilizes distributed Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm keeping in mind the end goal to detect malicious software(malware) in server computing platform using malicious and benign records.


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How to Cite

U. N. Aijaz, A. Patra, A. S. Siddiq, B. Chatterjee, and M. G. Khan, “Malware Detection on Server using Distributed Machine Learning”, pices, vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 172-175, Nov. 2018.