Implementation of Status Monitoring For Central Unit In Radar System


  • Sangeetha P K.N.S.I.T, Bangalore, India
  • Rajesh M K K.N.S.I.T, Bangalore, India
  • Ankith Upadhyay K.N.S.I.T, Bangalore, India
  • Nayana B R K.N.S.I.T, Bangalore, India
  • Arathi K K.N.S.I.T, Bangalore, India


Exciter Receiver, Host PC, Status Monitoring


A status monitoring scheme is proposed to monitor the status of flexible function for central unit in Radar System. The performance of the system is evaluated continuously and if the system is faulty, the fault is detected, isolated and displayed for further immediate action. A system is proposed to monitor the status of the Central unit and it consists of a knowledge-base, an inference engine and a coding algorithm. The coding algorithm model estimates are used to compute the performance and stability measures predict detect faults.


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How to Cite

S. P, R. M. K, A. Upadhyay, N. B. R, and A. K, “Implementation of Status Monitoring For Central Unit In Radar System”, pices, vol. 2, no. 8, pp. 194-196, Dec. 2018.