Design And Implementation Of Security System For Ship Intervention


  • Vijayalakshmi G V Dr.T.Thimmaih Institute of Technology, KGF, India
  • Jabeen Firdous C P Dr.T.Thimmaih Institute of Technology, KGF, India
  • Jhansi Lakshmi K Dr.T.Thimmaih Institute of Technology, KGF, India
  • Neha J G Dr.T.Thimmaih Institute of Technology, KGF, India
  • Priyanka U Dr.T.Thimmaih Institute of Technology, KGF, India


Intrusion detection, Machine learning, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Histogram of oriented Gradients (HOG) algorithm


Nowadays, Surveillance is a major problem for harbor protection, border control and security of various commercial facilities. This paper proposes Ship Intrusion Detection Security System which targets on the aspect of surveillance of coastal areas with meticulous ship detection in a highly dynamic environment. The main facet of this paper is to develop a system which will work mainly in dynamic environment of seashore where surveillance is required 24/7 for various security purposes. Using the combination of both Image processing and SVM machine learning technique, it is a new state-of-the-art system which renders the setbacks of the existing system like expensive setups, inaccurate detection, algorithmic error which can be annihilated to achieve an efficient system. Hence, this system can be used as a real time security system at seashore areas.


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How to Cite

V. G. V, J. F. C P, J. L. K, N. J. G, and P. U, “Design And Implementation Of Security System For Ship Intervention”, pices, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 136-140, Oct. 2018.