RFID Aided Automatic Billing Trolley System


  • K S K Chaitanya RGIT, Bangaluru, India
  • Nikhil Gowda S RGIT, Bangaluru, India
  • Karthik A G RGIT, Bangaluru, India
  • Swithaja N RGIT, Bangaluru, India


RFID technology, Real time, shopping mall, trolley, Renesas Microcontroller


Shopping is one of the primary and important aspect of day-to-day life. Each and every item which we use are been purchased. When coming to metro cities the time is an important aspect to be considered. As purchasing and shopping goods at super markets and malls is becoming daily activity. We can see big rush during holidays, weekends at billing counters. Even though we shop the required items quickly, more time is consumed at billing counters during billing. Especially the crowd increases during the festive seasons because of the discounts offered by the producers. The present criteria during shopping is customer selects the required items and put them in trolley, after picking all the items one has to go to the billing counter for payment process. At billing counter the cashier will read the bar code which is on the product using the bar code reader and prepares the bill, which involves too much time and results in long queue at billing counters. To reduce the inconvenience, this project aims to provide an automatic billing trolley using RFID technology which reduces the queue in malls and super market.


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How to Cite

K. S. K. Chaitanya, N. G. S, K. A. G, and S. N, “RFID Aided Automatic Billing Trolley System”, pices, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 131-135, Oct. 2018.